Looking for: - Free Pascal - Advanced open source Pascal compiler for Pascal and Object Pascal - Home Page Click here to DOWNLOAD Free Pascal for Windows - Download it from Uptodown for free. While the Free Pascal Compiler comes pre-built for several processor architectures and operating systems, there may be occasions where a pre-built compiler won't do, and you need to build it yourself. There are a number of reasons for doing this, including:. There are a number of ways to install the Free Pascal Compiler and its libraries on your system. The current version and trunk, and sometimes beta and release candidates, are available directly from the FPC website tar, exe, rpm, dmg, pkg files. In addition, versions of FPC are provided including rpm and deb files from the Lazarus download site. Linux users can almost certainly find FPC in their distribution's repositories but may find that it is outdated. It is possible to build FPC from source, typi...